Texas Holdem Bluff Tricks

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Guide to bluffing with your cards in Texas Holdem Poker

Many players would argue that there are more relevant strategy tips. However, if you can master these five “Golden Rules”, and focus on them, you will be better than most Texas Hold’em players. 5 Best Texas Holdem Strategy Tips are: Choose an opening hands that can make you money in any given situation. A Texas Holdem cash game is played on a single table with 2 to 10 players. The goal in a cash game is to win as many chips as you can. A multi-table tournament will have a number of players divided into multiple tables with 9-10 players on each table. #4 Join A Poker Training Website. A very simple poker tip is to find a poker training site for the game type you enjoy most. One of my favourite pieces of training is the Upswing Poker Lab which is run by the famous poker pro-Doug Polk – this course starts at the very basics of poker, and will teach you the fundamentals of Cash games MTTs and live poker turning you into a well-rounded player. Learn Texas Hold-em Tricks and Poker Pot Odds For a beginning gambler, sitting at a Texas Hold-em table can be an intimidating experience. The strategies, scare tactics, and sunglasses create an overwhelming and discouraging atmosphere, leaving the beginner scrambling to find his or her own playing approach.

Texas Holdem Tricks And Tips

One of the most important arts to master in Holdem poker play is the art of bluffing. Here are some tips and tricks as to when and how you should attempt to practise this art! But remember, if you get to try out these tricks then don’t come crying to us if they don’t work!

Texas holdem bluffing

Texas Holdem Bluffing

Take advantage of other players weakness. One of the best times to bluff is when you’re coming into a pot in a league position and all the other players before you have either checked or folded. Remember, your bluff is much more likely to be successful against a weak player who has already checked.

Make it believable that you may actually have a really good strong hand of cards looking for example on the floor gives the impression that you may be drawing to a flush or a straight and this is a lot more believable than if you just plays a large bet out of the blue.

Always remember that it’s much harder to bluff inexperienced or bad players This type of player is the type will try and stay with you in the whole of drawing some miracle card to make up a superb hand of cards. Ironically, an experienced or very good player can be much more easy to bluff.

Don’t try to bluff too many people at one time. It is less difficult to fool one or two or three players than 10 or 12 at the table. The more people you try and bluff, the more likely someone is to call you and discover that you really don’t have a great hand of cards.

Finally, of course it goes without saying that if you play very tight and only bet highly when you have good hands of cards then the other players around the table will notice this and you will be in a much stronger position to play a really big bluff at a crucial moment when you can land a big pot!!

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Texas Holdem Tricks

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Semi Bluff Introduction

A semi bluff is a bet made on the flop or turn designed to pick up the pot immediately or improve by the river and win at showdown. It’s usually a bet made with a straight or flush draw or with two overcards to the board.

Let’s look at an example:

Texas holdem bluffing

The blinds are 50/100 and you raise to 225 with Ts 9s and called by the big blind. The flop falls Js 8s 2c. Your opponent checks, you bet 325 and he raises to 1,100. You decide to move all in for 5,200. Your opponent folds.
Now, at this exact moment you have ten high but let’s look at the hand closer. You have an open ended straight flush draw giving you 15 likely outs to win the pot by the river or approx. 57% chance of winning hand if we assign your opponent a hand like Ace Jack offsuit. This is a perfect moment to semi bluff all in and either pick up the pot now or if you are called, win by showdown.

When to Semi Bluff

As always, position is important when semi bluffing, as is the stack sizes. It is usually a good idea to have deep stacks or sufficient fold equity when considering semi bluffing.
Trying to semi bluff out of position is not a simple as in position but it can be achieved by check raising and defining an opponent’s range. This allows you the opportunity to outright bluff later if you miss your hand. Naturally the benefit of being in position is seeing how your opponent acts before you decide to bet, this is not possible when you are first to act thus semi bluffing becomes tricky.

History and Context

Texas holdem tricks and tips

Semi Bluffing is a tendency and behaviour habit. Weak players tend not to think about semi bluffing draws and will often call down or do crazy nonsensical bluffs. It’s important to be aware of what you have shown down in hands and think about the context of the hand and history with your opponent. Ask yourself questions below when considering semi bluffing lines in hands.

Texas Holdem Bluff Trickster

  • Do I play strong hands like this?
  • Have I semi bluffed this session and shown it down?
  • Is my opponent observant?
  • Is my opponent likely to fold here or later in the hand if I continue to bet?

Final Thoughts

Semi bluffing is another weapon in the professional’s arsenal that can be employed many times a session intuitively. If you have an aptitude for maths and observe your opponent’s closely, you too should be using the semi bluff often.
I hope you enjoyed this article on semi bluffing. Feel free to contact us at info@texasholdemquestions.com with any feedback or questions.

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